We take time for our clients, therefore it is necessary to make an appointment in advance by phone or e-mail or via contact form.


Disclosure (§ 25 Media Act) and compliance with information obligations (§ 5 E-Commerce Act)

Media owner and operator: Mag.a Nadja Lorenz
Burggasse 116/17–19
A-1070 Wien
Phone: +49 (1) 524 02 65
E-Mail: rain@nadjalorenz.at

Supervisory authority: Rechtsanwaltskammer für Wien
Professional title: Attorney at law
Member State in which the professional title was conferred: Austria
Legal professional provisions: Rechtsanwaltsordnung (RAO), Disziplinarstatut für Rechtsanwälte und Rechtsanwaltsanwärter (DSt), Richtlinien für die Berufsausübung der Rechtsanwälte (RL-BA)
Access to the above provisions: Bundesgesetzblätter der Republik Österreich; Österreichische Anwaltsblätter
UID-Number Mag.a Nadja Lorenz: ATU 45471207

Photos and images
Adobe Stock Photo
Heribert Corn

Judith Abramov