We take time for our clients, therefore it is necessary to make an appointment in advance by phone or e-mail or via contact form.

Areas of expertise
& specialization

Asylum law and Aliens law

We counsel, support and represent you in your asylum procedure.

We accompany you to interviews and appointments with the Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum (BFA) as well as to court hearings before the Federal Administrative Court (BVwG). On your behalf, we prepare written petitions in ongoing proceedings, lodge complaints at the Federal Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court and appeal revisions to the Supreme Administrative Court.

We also support you in the event of your asylum or subsidiary protection status being revoked and in procedures relating to measures taken by the aliens police against you, such as deportation, an entry ban or detention pending deportation.
Asylrecht und Fremdenrecht; Nadja Lorenz
Aufenthaltsrecht und Bleiberecht​​

Residence and Migration law

We support you in questions of labor migration (experts, skilled workers and other migrant workers), family reunification and all procedures in connection with residence permits and settlement permits in Austria.

Thanks to our decades of experience in this area, we are able to develop targeted and individual solutions for you. We also support you in procedures for a humanitarian stay (right to stay/remain) as well as in the transition from asylum-based residence status to the different settlement permits (Red-White-Red Card Plus, permanent residence EU, etc.).
Another focus of our work is immigration under the European Union law.

Citizenship law

We help and assist you with the requirements for acquiring Austrian citizenship.

We accompany you to appointments with the citizenship authority (e.g. MA35), to hearings before the State Administrative Court and prepare relevant written statements and complaints on your behalf.
Straf- und Opferschutz Rechtsanwältin Nadja Lorenz

Criminal law and victim protection

If you or any member of your family have become a victim of violence, we will help you

We support you to protect your rights and interests in criminal proceedings against the perpetrator and to obtain compensation for the injuries suffered. In our activities in the area of victim protection, we work closely with specialized institutions that help victims of such violence.

If you are accused of criminal offenses yourself, we will take over your defense. We accompany you to police interrogations and court hearings and ensure that your rights are protected under the law.

Family law

If you need legal advice in relation to family conflicts, we support you in custody and contact disputes, in alimony claims and in divorce proceedings.

We are also happy to advise you regarding future marriages or registered partnerships. You are in good hands with us, especially in legal matters with an international perspective.
Maßnahmenbeschwerden gegen die Polizei

Complaints against unlawful police violence

If you have been the victim of an unjustified assault by Security Forces or Police, we will draw up the relevant complaints for you and defend you through the proceedings


We take time for our clients, therefore it is necessary to make an appointment in advance by phone or e-mail or via contact form.